Due to popular demand (hurray!) the Schulz Museum has made my "How to Successfully Pitch an Animated Cartoon" Master Class this weekend larger (now up to 20 students instead of 12), so now there are around 8 seats new seats available, please let anyone know who might be interested, all money goes to the museum! Here is the info from their site: http://www.schulzmuseum.org/ SATURDAY, MARCH 24 ● 10am–12noon Join Mike Gray (Nicktoon's Thom Cat) for a detailed walk through the step-by-step process of creating, pitching, selling, and
producing an animated short. Focus on developing a character from comic book to storyboard pitch to successfully produced animated short.$35 for members; $40 for non-members. Advance reservations required: (707) 284-1263.
I will also be a Guest Cartoonist that same day from 1pm to 3pm showing cartoons, comics, and doing sketches for Museum guests! I hope to see you there at either the class, the Guest Appearance, or both!